SAE J670 was last updated over 30 years ago. Since the last revision, the field of vehicle dynamics has change significantly. New systems such as four-wheel steering and active control have been applied to enhance the performance of vehicles. The terminology for vehicle dynamics needed to be updated to accommodate these new technologies and tomake the definitions consistent with current usage in the field. Accordingly, many new terms have been added to the terminology to provide formal definitions for terms that are associated with these new technologies. A number of existing definitions, which were based on front-wheel steer vehicles with passive control, were also revised to accommodate new technologies.
2024-09-06 09:54:50 1.94MB SAE标准 汽车动力学 J670
2022-10-16 13:00:30 116KB 互联网
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2022-05-25 22:51:10 37KB matlab
荷兰Hans B. Pacejka教授编著,共10章,622页。
2022-05-25 10:38:22 15.45MB 汽车 动力学 轮胎
汽车动力学simulink仿真程序很精典-LQG_design.mdl 其中 包括ABS cross_wind_data.m EPS 主动悬架 侧向风 人车闭环 LQG_design.mdl (切记 不要以此修改 发表论文 否则 后果自负 仅供 学习参考)
2022-05-17 16:25:57 44KB matlab
2022-01-05 23:02:42 94KB simulink 汽车动力学 转向模型
汽车动力学simulink仿真程序很精典-cross_wind_data.m 其中 包括ABS cross_wind_data.m EPS 主动悬架 侧向风 人车闭环 LQG_design.mdl (切记 不要以此修改 发表论文 否则 后果自负 仅供 学习参考)
2021-12-30 10:47:07 228B matlab
汽车动力学simulink仿真程序很精典-absbrake.mdl 其中 包括ABS cross_wind_data.m EPS 主动悬架 侧向风 人车闭环 LQG_design.mdl (切记 不要以此修改 发表论文 否则 后果自负 仅供 学习参考)
2021-12-24 21:35:11 33KB matlab
unity插件 汽车动力学 开发赛车游戏必用的一款插件
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