Filco 圣手二代多语言说明书,简体中文在35-45页
2022-11-01 15:01:03 3.2MB 机械键盘 filco 圣手二代
机械键盘-海盗船 Icue的安装包
2022-08-09 22:00:54 886.04MB 机械键盘 海盗船 iCUE
HacKeyboard 是一款机械键盘,使用来自旧 Monterey K108 键盘的 SMK Alps Mount 开关和来自旧 NGS 键盘的 Alps 兼容键帽从头开始构建。 它具有商业键盘中通常没有的几个功能: 内部键盘记录器; 微距录制功能; 内部 USB 集线器 2.0; 内部(隐藏)8GB 闪存驱动器; 用于连接外围设备的 Micro USB 端口; 可定制的 LED 颜色; 可定制的LED效果; 更多详情、使用方法,请下载后阅读README.md文件
2022-07-06 09:09:05 86.15MB postscript 设计
2022-07-02 21:05:03 39.56MB 罗技键盘
2022-05-26 20:03:04 810KB stm32 arm 嵌入式硬件 单片机
2022-05-04 19:15:08 844KB stm32 arm 嵌入式硬件 单片机
现在的人们每天在电脑前花费大约10个小时; 扭动鼠标,点击和敲击键盘,这些东西已成为我们生活中不可分割的一部分。现在给大家介绍一款DIY自制的OLED显示屏无线机械键盘机械键盘3D 无线机械键盘PCB&电路图(AD打开) Specs: True wireless keyboard No wires allowed. Communication and charging everything is done wirelessly. Fully Portable Due to the wire-free policy, making it portable is as easy as it sounds. 62 X Cherry MX mechanical switches Yes, no discussion about this. Cherry MX or no keyboard at all. Did I say it has to be Cherry MX Blue as well? 68 X RGB LED backlight An array of WS2812b black version embedded on the board. Who could've thought maker's favorite RGB led is underneath a keyboard. 2 X Thumb Analog Joystick On the left side simulates the mouse movement while the right side trigger the arrow keys. Security (RFID/NFC) In complement with things like NFC Ring, or smartphones NFC, having a secure on-board password activator doesn't sound impossible. Internet of thing thingy To enable independent internet access, ESP8266 Wifi dongle was added on-board. Local wireless communication (Bluetooth 4.0 & LORA) Talks wireless-ly with local networks that you've setup is now possible with Bluetooth and growingly popular LORA network on-the-go. Bluetooth HID Bluefruit HID link from adafruit is used to enable pure wireless system. This significantly save development time. OLED Display 128x32 pixel OLED display embedded for some indications and notifications on board. Local Storage Micro SD card should be able to handle the demand in here. Microcontroller For the first iteration, old School ATMEGA2560 is used. Together with atmega328p a co-controller for the WS2812b LED. 附件包含以下资料
2022-04-09 21:06:55 41.44MB 无线键盘 oled显示屏 开源 电路方案
(测试性质的历史资源,版本稳定且不再更新) 版本型号:CIY68-GAS v2.3 开源版 (兼容公版68三模和其他左出线口的pcb) ① 图纸所属权归【拉普拉斯丶羊驼】所有; ② 本图纸是开源图纸,可供网友【自行修改】; ③ 开团或商用需告知本人,禁止未经授权的商业、盈利用途; ④ 对外壳安装有疑问的,可加 羊驼的外设交流Q群:714307921 【版本号编号说明】 2.xx:第2次大版本更新,大概率和前代不通用 x.3x:某大版本内第3次优化或升级(一般0号是草稿、1号是原型,这两版不会放出) x.x1:联系工厂进行第几次改进 例如 v2.31版:第2次大版本更新、第2版本内第3次更新、联系加工厂进行1次打样优化
2022-04-06 12:05:10 15.49MB 机械键盘 亚克力 键盘 小佩列键盘
2022-02-17 15:27:55 34KB 机械键盘 检测连击
IKBC 的 POKERII 机械键盘的刷机应用,以及原装程序,实测在 WIN7 上可用。 希望能帮到大家!
2021-11-12 20:28:48 825KB 机械键盘 POKERII